Creator of story-driven content and funny stuff based in New York City.

Currently managing a creative outreach team for New York City’s Ethics Board and giggling with my two young boys.



I learned how to make people laugh working in a Vaudeville theater. I learned how to argue from my pops. I learned how to listen from my mom. I learned how NOT to run a team of artists in early attempts at running a team of artists. I got better at it (I think).

Now I run a team that makes educational story-driven content and occasionally make my own stories and shows, mostly when my kids are asleep.



My artistic work focuses on ridiculous characters attempting to do the impossible. Sometimes they succeed. Mostly they fail in entertaining ways and keep on trying.

My educational work uses characters and stories to make concepts relatable and memorable. I serve as producer & head writer for all projects across platforms: video, social, eLearning, live events, print, email, and others.



Man of the People

A pilot for a single-camera mockumentary I co-wrote and starred in about an underdog idiot running for Mayor of NYC and his story of very gradual personal growth. For the political era in which it was produced (2009), it seemed playfully bufoonish. Now it seems quaint. While it did not get picked up, it did receive some awards. (Co-Writer/Producer/Actor)


The COIB Daily Dose (@nyccoib)

Currently dormant (for reasons that should be obvs to anyone who reads Tweets), this was the social media account I produced and run with my team at the Conflicts of Interest Board. We were pioneers of “weird government Twitter”, profiled in the New York Times, digg, and dnainfo. I am mostly a producer/occasional contributor now, but I shaped its voice and, as its producer, everything that happened on it was my fault. (Producer/Contributing Writer)


Ethics Tik Tok

Now dormant (NYC government has prohibited use og Tik Tok) my team peridocally produced ethics content on Tik Tok for a while. Each team member works as their own Tik Tok “auteur”, writing, directing, editing, the whole bit. I produce their work as well as my own.

Short video using dad jokes to explain anti-nepotism laws.

What to do when a perishable item comes to a government worker.


Cabaret Oublie

A theater show I directed and co-created with the actors. We worked together to establish each actor’s ridiculous character, their place in the hierarchy with their counterparts, and then created a bunch of hilarious scenes. We weaved the scenes into a narrative arc that explored one actor’s desperate attempt to run a professional show with two well-meaning but horribly unfocused co-stars. (Director/Contributing Writer)


Miss Use of Position

An educational vid about misuse of government position, inspired by one of the best comedy sketches ever. Produced on virtually zero budget, which is an asset when you work in government ethics. Government training vids that look very expensive tend to attract the wrong kind of attention, especially from budget hawks. Our lo-fi vibe allows us to deliver high quality education & laughs with a Spartan sense of production value. (Producer/Actor)


Attorney of the Day Action Figure

An ethics PSA about the Conflict of Interest Board’s Attorney of the Day help line, inspired by the commercials of Saturday morning cartoons. (Producer/Director)


MuniciPALs with Dan!

A two-part series featuring an aggressively perfectionist host, Dan, and his two anthropomorphized sidekicks. Also produced on near-zero budget. (Producer/Co-creator/Director)


PSA - The Advice Line

Another short piece about the Board’s help line, in the style of local car dealer commercials. (Producer/Writer/Director)


COIB Annual Disclosure - Candidates

A slightly cuter and less ridiculous video, explaining the City’s financial disclosure requirements for people wishing to run for local elective office. (Producer/Writer/Director)


The Conflict Zone

Roy paints within the lines. Gavin can’t see the lines. Together, they explore ethics in a place where anything can happen….The Conflict Zone. (Producer/Co-Writer/Director)


Other Writing Samples


APEX - A super-short piece about a disgruntled amusement worker and his faint musings about doing it another way.

Read the Story


The Newsletter of New York City’s Conflicts of Interest Board


Ethical Parenting - A short article that tries to use municipal ethics laws as a parenting guide, with decidedly mixed results.

Read the Article

Getting into Ethical Shape - What happens when you cross ethics law with a fitness blog? Nothing good, as this article proves.

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Moralists, Rogues, and Pragmatists - Using protagonists from cop shows as a metaphor, this article discusses three core aspects of a successful ethics program: a clear bright-line code, effective enforcement, and thoughtful advice.

Read the Article


The Newsletter of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws


I am a regular contributor to the COGEL Guardian, focusing on education and outreach.

Thoughts on Anticipation - When it comes to training, prep is essential. It’s like having a good map. But don’t let map get in the way of seeing what’s right in front of you.

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On Repetition - Often overlooked, Repetition is the key to developing the kind of performance knowledge a trainer needs to succeed. This article introduces the concept of Repetition and offers some practical exercises to develop a practice.

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Upping Your Webinar Game - A quick & dirty piece for compliance professionals to help them better reach their audiences in times of virtual conferencing.

Read the Article

When Ethics is a Hot Topic - “In normal times, no one talks about government ethics. These are not normal times,” said Walter Shaub, former Director of the Office of Government Ethics back in 2018. What does ethics outreach look like when everybody is talking about ethics? Some things are easier, to be sure, but there are also some challenges.

Read the Article


Conflict of Interest eLearning Course


This is an ethics eLearning course which I developed and produced, currently used by tens of thousands of public servants. The version here is a pdf output of the interactive course.

Learn More


(and award-like things)


Launch Pad Prose Competition - Top Ten Finalist for short story, “Better! Faster!”

Filmmatic Comedy Screenplay Contest - Semifinalist for short comedy screenplay, “Options”

Roadmap Writers - Write Start Contest - Top Ten Finalist for short story, “Better! Faster!”

Campaign Legal Center, Washington, D.C. - “Top Ten Transparency Upgrades for Ethics Commissions” - my agency was referred to as, "a model commission for on-demand training videos that are both engaging and informative."

Conflicts of Interest Board, NYC - Powell Pierpioint Award for Outstanding Service to the Board

Blue Cat Screenplay Competition - Top Ten Percent for short screenplay, “Options”

Creative Screenwriting Magazine 24-hour Screenwriting Competition - Semifinalist for short screenplay, “Dressing Down”

Royal Flush Film Festival, NYC - Best Comedy Short for Comedy Pilot, “Man of the People”

Las Vegas Film Festival - Silver Ace Award for Comedy Pilot, “Man of the People”